Bio-One of San Jose Hoarding Logo


How much can you do?
As cleaning specialists, we can do whatever is necessary to complete the job and we will tailor our work to meet your needs and goals. We’ve done it all before and would happily do it again:

● Finding valuables
● Removing debris
● Disinfecting
● Decluttering
● And more
Will the work be done discreetly?
Yes, we use unmarked vehicles and take great care to ensure privacy. While onsite, our work is never discussed with anyone other than our clients.
What is the worst you’ve ever seen?
Since 2010, Bio-One has helped remediate homes that range from moderate to severe conditions, and we have the experience and compassion to help you no matter your circumstances. Upon request, we can show you several before and after examples of how we’ve helped others in the community.
How much will it cost?
Every home and situation is different. Because of that, we don’t charge by the sq ft. We discuss your unique circumstances, tour the impacted spaces, and provide an accurate estimate after the walkthrough. We’ll discuss your goals and make sure everybody is on the same page when the estimate is delivered.
Do I have to be present during the hoarding cleanup?
That is up to you. We can easily accommodate your needs remotely with signing documents electronically and communicating via phone or text message. We also have had clients who pull up a chair and are present for every step of the process, and in some cases invite a counselor, family member or friend to help.

We have the utmost respect for your personal items and your comfort level. We will customize the process for you.

We also will look for anything that you specifically request. Having a list of items you want us to look for would be very helpful so everyone on our team can be on the same page about this.
Do you guys just come in and trash everything?
No, we are very careful in putting things aside that have value or a perceived value that you can examine. We sort carefully and efficiently, while keep an eye out for things like:

● Legal documents
● Tax records
● Birth certificates
● Photographs
● Cash
● Jewelry
● Vehicle titles
Do you charge an hourly rate?
Usually, we prefer to evaluate each project individually. Pricing is based on labor required, disposal costs, time on site, equipment needs, and more. Once we evaluate the impacted spaces and learn your goals and needs, we can provide a thorough estimate that matches your expectations.
What exactly is the process for helping to clean up my mess?
First, establishing trust is key. An experienced team member will introduce themselves, tour the property, and learn about your unique needs, expectations, and goals. We will then draft an estimate for you to review.

Once the estimate is agreed upon, we will schedule the work. While onsite, we are mindful of personal property and valuables, and our technicians always make it a priority to try to find and save items of value such as:

● Wallets
● Keys
● Coin collections
● Legal documents
● Photo albums
● Baseball cards
● And more

When our work is completed, we want to make sure you are satisfied and happy with the outcome. If for some reason something else needs to be done, we are here for you.
How will you protect my confidentiality?
We go to great lengths to ensure your privacy and our discretion. For starters, we use unmarked vehicles and we don’t suit up outside whenever possible. We’re also good at gently, but firmly, shooing away nosy neighbors and we don’t answer their probing questions.
How many days will this take?
Typically hoarding cleanups take 2-5 days, but it depends on the size and condition of the property. We provide free estimates and will give you a timeframe once we’ve evaluated the premises.

The biggest factor that affects the length of a project are the goals you are looking for help accomplishing and how quickly our crew is allowed to work. Some clients know what they want to get rid of and what they would like to save. Other clients need our help sorting through their items so they can make decisions about each item as we go.

We can also approach projects from a day-to-day basis. That way, you can precisely control what areas of the home you would like our help with, as well as the budget for your project.
What differentiates your services from those of a junk hauling company?
Our staff is highly trained to follow directions and find valuables you might not know exist in the home.

We tailor each job individually to form a plan with your input and goals for the home. In addition to removal of junk and debris, we will leave the home disinfected and safe to re-enter.
How many people will you be sending?
For a full day of hoarding cleanup, we generally send between 2-4 of our highly trained technicians. They work efficiently to finish in a timely manner and remain compassionate all the while.
Can I see what is being thrown away beforehand?
Absolutely. This is your house and these are still your possessions. Part of the estimate process is to understand what is most valuable to you, which items you would like to keep, and which items you may be searching for. Before we begin work, we make sure every team member is aware of these requests.

Clients can be onsite to help determine what is disposed of. This task can often be overwhelming, so we recommend inviting a counselor, family member, or friend to help with making these decisions.
Can you search for (photos, documents) something for us?
We most certainly can help search for and find objects. Technicians are trained to look for valuables or perceived valuables, and we have a strong success rate. We will sort and look out for certain types of items requested. Typically, we search for:

● Pictures
● Coins
● Documents
● Anything of monetary value
● Anything of sentimental value

However, we can’t guarantee everything will be found. We do our best and have a high success rate.
Can you help me with donation/sale of items?
We have coordinated with clients in the past to bring in consignment sellers, donation centers, and even vehicle tow providers. In some cases, if doing so reduces the amount of material we need to move or sort, then this can even reduce the cost of the project.

Needless to say, we would love to help donate and sell any items we can.
Can you clean the refrigerator or other appliances?
Absolutely, and that is part of our services. Our goal is to make the space safe and habitable, which includes cleaning and disinfecting all impacted areas, including appliances.
Do I have to get a maid service after you are done to clean the property?
It depends on your needs and goals. As part of our disinfection services, we will clean all hard, non-porous surfaces in the impacted areas. This may include:

● Furniture
● Countertops
● Flooring
● Walls
● Baseboards
● Appliances
● And more

However, our services do not necessarily include dusting, washing windows, and other detailing.

If a detailed cleaning service is of interest, we can help refer you to a local maid company.
Our loved one doesn’t want help. What can we do?
Our tailored process is only successful if the person who needs help is open to using our services. Establishing trust from the beginning is critical, and we can work slowly and provide information over time. We also recommend that anyone struggling with collecting or hoarding tendencies be connected to a mental health professional who can help them feel more comfortable with this process.
If I did this on my own, where do I start?
This process can become very overwhelming. To begin, contact one or two trusted friends or family members and create a plan to start small and gain momentum. Start by gathering 1-3 garbage bags a day and take it outside to the garbage can. After a week you’ll see a difference and gain more confidence. Through this process, don’t just move objects around. Find storage or display solutions for them.

In many cases, we are called to help in the middle of this process. That’s okay. We are here to help whenever you need us.
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